Access Centre
First Student Centre – Room 424
The Access Centre strives to identify and take action around issues of concern for students with disabilities by providing advocacy, social networks, and education. This is done by creating space for the discussion of all types of disability, providing tangible resources for the advancements of persons with disabilities, and acknowledging that living with a disability is a valid social location and political identity.

Indigenous Students Association at York (ISAY)
First Student Centre – Room 431
Indigenous Students’ Association is a York Federation of Students funded community service group. ISAY’s primary mandate is to advocate for the Indigenous student body of York University. ISAY’s mandate includes, but is not limited to: community awareness campaigns, cultural programming, social events and alliance building.

York United Black Students’ Alliance (YUBSA)
First Student Centre – Room 436
The York United Black Students’ Alliance’s mission is to provide services that will foster the Self-empowerment of students of African decent academically, financially, and socially on the York University Campus; as a politically motivated association, YUBSA embodies a mandate to fight racial discrimination and systemic racism on the York campus as well as the wider York community.

Trans, Bisexual, Lesbian, Gay, Asexual at York (TBLGAY)
First Student Centre – Room 449A
TBLGAY is a student-run organization that offers community referrals, a resource library, and a drop-in space where queer, trans and asexual students and community members can go to hang out and make new friends in the community.

United South Asians At York (USAY)
First Student Centre – Room 449D
USAY aims to serve a variety of purposes, including uniting the various student clubs and organizations at York University and providing a space for organizing within a South Asian context on campus. From signature events to academic and advocacy initiatives, USAY promotes the interests of the South Asian student population here at York University.
Student Group Stakeholders

Sexual Assault Survivor’s Support Line & Leadership (SASSL)
First Student Centre – Room 449B
SASSL offers unbiased and nonjudgmental support to survivors of all genders, races, religions, sexual orientations, cultural identities, income levels and abilities. They recognize that sexual assault is caused by the perpetrators, and that acts of violence are never the fault of the survivor/ victim. SASSL volunteers and coordinators are trained in a variety of areas to recognize the diversity that shapes everyday life in the GTA. SASSL aims to promote equality and create a space where everyone has a voice that is expressed, recognized, and respected equally.

Centre For Women And Trans People
First Student Centre – Room 322
The Centre for Women and Trans People (“The Centre”) is a student funded, collectively-run, volunteer-driven organization at York University. We are committed to creating a welcoming and safer space for all of our members, one that is rooted in challenging settler colonial violence, racism, anti-black racism, xenophobia, islamophobia, anti-Semitism, fatphobia, classism, ageism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, misogyny, misogynoir, transmysoginy, ableism and sanism, discrimination on the basis of religion/spirituality, and institutionalized oppression within the university setting and in the wider community.

Ontario Public Interest Research Group York
First Student Centre – Room 449C
The Ontario Public Interest Research Group is a student funded, student run, nonpartisan organization on campus that conducts research, advocacy, organizing, lobbying, as well as educational and media campaigns. Over the years OPIRG York has stood at the forefront of social justice mobilization at York University, operating a dynamic space that acts as one of the main activist hubs on campus. OPIRG York is a bastion of creativity, passion and idealism.