Understanding and Pursuing Spirituality

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We pay attention to our mental and physiological well-being but fail to give much consideration to spiritual well-being. The body, mind, and spirit are intricately connected. Although spirituality won’t make you well, it will help you manage discomfort and cross rough seas; it connects you to existence, faith, nature, and a supreme being.

What is Spiritual Wellness?

Spiritual wellness is unique to everyone, and everyone has a different route they should follow to maintain a healthy spiritual life. To some, it is a call for religious principles related to Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. To others, it is a call to find a deeper meaning in life, connecting with nature and existence, among other things. Spiritual wellness is essentially being connected to something bigger than ourselves. Optimal spiritual wellness is when our core values and beliefs tie us to a sense of something larger than ourselves and empower us to act according to those beliefs.

Why Pursue Spiritual Wellness?

It is expedient that you pursue spiritual wellness because we are all on a spiritual journey, whether you are just starting or have practiced spirituality before. Your spirituality relies on you and the practices that speak to you.

Understanding Spiritual Wellness

It is essential to understand spiritual wellness before taking steps to improve it. The first step to comprehending and achieving spiritual wellness is to look for life’s meaning and purpose. With this understanding, you can work toward your spiritual wellness using numerous methods, including organized religion, meditation, yoga, and a rigorous examination of your morals, values, and beliefs.

The Benefits of Spiritual Wellness

Spirituality has a wealth of advantages. According to Wester, when things aren’t going how you want them to, it might give you a sense of purpose and belonging, make you feel calmer and more conscious, and give you hope. The most important thing is that spirituality may offer hope when it doesn’t feel or appear to be there. Many spiritual activities can aid in peacemaking or finding it.

Check-in with Your Spiritual Wellness

  • Do you allow yourself time alone?
  • Do you pray or reach out to a higher power?
  • Do you think about the meaning of life?
  • Do you take walks in nature and appreciate the transformation of each season?
  • Do you pause to remind yourself that life isn’t all about you?
  • Do you practice activities that allow you to slow down?

These questions can guide your journey toward improving spiritual wellness and help you assess where you currently stand.


Illinois State University. (2023, January 24). Understanding and pursuing spirituality. Retrieved from https://news.illinoisstate.edu/2023/01/understanding-and-pursuing-spirituality/