General Safety Tips
York University is located in one of the safest cities in Canada and York University’s campuses are very safe. In fact, they are safer than many other parts of the city. Nevertheless, safety incidents can happen anywhere and it is important to take all the same safety precautions:
- Always be alert to your surroundings and the people around you.
- If you feel uncomfortable with a situation or person, then leave.
- Trust your intuition – if something feels wrong , then it probably is.
- If you work/study alone or after normal business hours, then ensure doors and windows are properly closed and locked.
- Keep your purse or wallet with you or locked in a secure drawer or cabinet.
- Report any harassing behaviour or communications (e.g. obscene emails, letters or telephone calls) to Security Services.
- Never assume that an individual wandering through a building is a member of the York community.
- Asking simple questions such as, “May I help you?” or “Who are you here to see?” will discourage the dishonest, without intimidating the legitimate visitor.
- Never leave visitors alone in an office, work or reception area. Never disclose confidential information to a stranger, whether over the phone or in person.
- Report suspicious activities, criminal behaviour, property damage (e.g. graffiti) and discriminatory actions (e.g. actions that discriminate based on age, ancestry, colour, race, citizenship, ethnic origin, place of origin, creed, disability, family status, marital status, gender identity, gender expression, sex or sexual orientation) to Security Services.
- Report problems with safety equipment, such as discharged fire extinguishers, damaged emergency telephones, burned-out lights and malfunctioning electronic door access systems to the appropriate areas.
- Use the goSAFE program for help getting to your destination safely. For more information about the program, visit the goSAFE website.
If you have any additional questions or require further clarification, then please contact the Community Safety Department at safety@yorku.ca.
For more info on safety tips please visit the website below in References.