Mind Bully Podcast: Understanding Spirituality and Mental Health

Take charge over your life! Recognize the attacks on your mind are spiritual and not just physical. Recognize that the attacks on your mind are spiritual and not just physical. Take every thought captive and cast down imaginations that go against the knowledge of God Lean into your faith and exercise your authority to overcome negative thoughts practice gratitude, prayer, and supplication to find peace and guard your heart and mind. Have courage and take charge of your life, regardless of how you feel.

Mind Bully Podcast: Understanding Spirituality and Mental Health

Takeaways: Recognize that the attacks on your mind are spiritual and not just physical. Take every thought captive and cast down imaginations that go against the knowledge of God. Lean into your faith and exercise your authority to overcome negative thoughts. Practice gratitude, prayer, and supplication to find peace and guard your heart and mind .Have courage and take charge of your life, regardless of how you feel


Reference: (Norense Odiase). (July 29th, 2024). understanding spirituality and mental health. Spotify. Mind Bully podcast. https://open.spotify.com/episode/5u60vhv3ddXW8q3lKrgxxK?si=eiGC41WKRP-2zgL34Y3z2w