Most of us spend our days working, whether in the traditional workplace, at home or at school. When we finish our working day, it’s increasingly common for us not to be able to “switch off”. This is partly due to the expectations we have of ourselves, but also to habit. We go, go, go, then expect to be able to stop, but we lack practice.
Think about your afternoon and early evening: maybe you’re leaving work, stuck in traffic, listening to the news or making a phone call, picking up the kids, making dinner, helping with homework, answering e-mails, cleaning up after dinner, getting ready to do it all over again the next day, then going to bed, exhausted.
There’s no transition, no downtime. And most of us know this all too well.
These tips for mindful self-care can help you relax or de-stress at the end of the day. When we’re multitasking, it’s hard to pay attention, because our attention span can only focus on one thing at a time. These tips can also help you break the cycle of multitasking so you can be more “in the moment” in your life.

1. Start by concentrating on balance.
For many of us, work is all about using a computer, so actively using our bodies helps us to relax. If you work in a physically demanding job, you might find balance by sitting down for a while to watch a program or listen to music.
2. Stretch body and mind.
You don’t have to walk for an hour or do a full yoga session. Moving the body for a few minutes – a yoga pose or two – can get the blood flowing and give your mind a break.
3. Watch life unfold around you.
We spend our days making things happen, and one of my favorite ways to relax is to sit in nature. I live in northern New Hampshire and recently saw a squirrel run off with a slice of pizza found in the trash, then use it as a sled to race down the snow-covered hill! Wildlife has a way of lifting my spirits. Take a break and take it easy – you’ll be surprised at what you see, even in a short space of time.
4. Come to your senses.
Stimulating the senses can tell our bodies that we’re changing our focus. Perhaps you like to light a candle or put on some music at the end of the day. Try using lemon balm essential oil (or any other fragrance you like) in a homemade spray bottle with a little rosewater and rubbing alcohol. Vaporizing essential oil releases a soothing scent that immediately relaxes tension.
5. Sit back, sip and enjoy.
When I sit in nature, I like to take a hot drink with me. Gaia Herbs’ Golden Milk is complete, nourishing and delicious, and I love that it honors the Ayurvedic tradition of taking care of yourself. Every day, your body has to perform many functions to get through the day, so it’s really important to give yourself time and space to relax. I love the bright color of Golden Milk, and seeing that vibrancy and smelling the herbs gives me a sense of calm and soothing.
To make the golden milk, I start with coconut milk for richness and add a dash of molasses for minerals. Knowing that every time I taste turmeric, it offers me liver support, sustains my inflammatory response and simply nourishes my body, I feel good. With each sip, I let myself go.
6. Use your downtime wisely.
When you find yourself in those waiting moments of life (10 minutes sitting in the parking lot waiting to get out of school, three minutes in line at the grocery store, 15 minutes in the waiting room at the doctor’s office, etc.), it’s important to be aware of your surroundings. Instead of grabbing your phone to check social media, you can try listening to a podcast, reading a good book or simply paying attention to your surroundings by observing your breathing. These moments of mindfulness make it easier to anchor and reconnect at the end of a long day.
7. Find your favorite, but not all at once.
We sometimes find it hard to relax because it feels like just another task on the to-do list. Don’t force it, and think about how much time and energy you want to devote to the present moment. Maybe tonight you relax by letting the cat stay on your lap for as long as it likes, or by making yourself comfortable on the sofa and sipping a delicious cup of Golden Milk. On Fridays, you may have time for a long walk, but during the week, you may be content to stroll around your garden for a few minutes. Build up a fine arsenal of choices and let yourself be carried along by the current!
Bove, M. (2017, March 10). 7 simple ways to take care of yourself when you’re too exhausted to think about it. Retrieved from