Interfaith Council (IFC)
The Interfaith Council (IFC) consists of representatives from all the religious groups on campus. The IFC is responsible for managing the Scott Religious Centre and advises the University, through the Director of the Centre for Student Community & Leadership Development, on religious affairs and activities.
Three Pillars of Tolerance
The IFC is supported by three pillars of tolerance:
- Rules: All organizations must adhere to University policies, procedures, and relevant federal, provincial, and municipal laws.
- Recruitment: Groups are expected to recruit members in a non-coercive and non-aggressive manner.
- Respect: While maintaining their beliefs, groups must show respect for differing opinions.
Scott Religious Centre
The Scott Religious Centre, donated by the Scott family, offers a chapel for services, a meditation room for individual reflection, and office space for faith-based student clubs. It serves as a place for interfaith dialogue and education.
Centre Principles
To foster a welcoming environment, the Centre operates under these guiding principles:
- The space is shared, and community members are encouraged to practice tolerance and cooperation.
- It is open to all students, professors, and staff, regardless of their faith or religious background.
- Activities include worship, meditation, and events organized by the Interfaith Council or authorized University offices.
- All users must follow University policies and applicable laws.
Location and Accessibility
The Centre is located at York University Keele Campus 144 Central Square, with additional entrances on the Ross Podium (vestibules 201 & 202). Wheelchair access is available via the South Ross elevators to the second floor.
Hours of Operation
- Monday to Friday: 6am to 10pm
- Saturday & Sunday: 10am to 8pm
Booking Space in the Scott Religious Centre
The Centre for Student Community & Leadership Development is responsible for all bookings in the Scott Religious Centre and only clubs registered with the Interfaith Council can officially book space in the Centre. Individual members of the community are welcome to use the chapel or meditation room for the practice of their faith providing that the room is available and not booked by a religious group.
Office space is applied for every March and only IFC clubs are eligible to receive an office.
Those looking to book space in the Scott Religious Centre can send their request to:
Andrew Brown –
Student Engagement Coordinator

Scott Religious Centre Space Booking Guidelines
- All spaces in the Scott Religious Centre are to be used for prayer or faith based activities (They are not to be used for events, eating, or group gatherings i.e., to hangout) unless otherwise approved by SCLD
- The main activity hall (chapel) will be available for booking from 9:00am – 10:00pm Monday to Sunday
- Recognized student organizations will be able to book time slots for up to 2 hours. Longer time slots may be available if no other group has interest in the space at that time.
- SCLD Staff or Student Engagement Ambassadors will complete random spot checks to ensure all guidelines are being adhered to.
- Users will not be permitted to linger in the SRC prior to or following prayer. Those users found using the space beyond its intended use will be asked to leave and may lose the ability to use the SRC
- YU Card access will need to be provided for after hours access (Contact Andrew Brown at
- Food, eating and any strenuous activities is not permitted
- Users must abide by all posted signage