Tips for Getting Started
Start Right Away
Delaying tasks might seem like a way to reduce stress, but it actually increases stress later on. When the workload piles up and deadlines approach, things won’t get easier. You don’t need to tackle everything at once. Just take the first step. Starting a task helps to reduce the fear that it’s “too big” or “too difficult.” Break it into small, manageable steps. Pick one part and get going immediately.
Use Course Outlines
Understanding the course from the professor’s perspective can offer valuable insight. You can gain this by reviewing the course outline and description carefully. These documents reveal the course goals, objectives, and topics. With this knowledge, you can organize your study approach and focus on the key ideas and how they connect.
Get into the Right Mindset
Believe in Yourself
Success is about doing your best with what you have. It’s about persistence, rising to challenges, and pushing through tough times. A positive attitude plays a crucial role in achieving success at university. Take responsibility for your tasks, follow through, and stay focused on your goals.
Grow as You Go
Each course or assignment may differ, but the skills you develop carry over to the next. Success comes from using the feedback you receive. Grades, comments, and even stress can guide you toward improvement. Instead of just working harder, adjust your approach based on the feedback. Gradual changes can lead to better results.
Additional Resources
A New Student Transition Program designed to support you as you make your way into and through your first Year of York.
Access support services from York Libraries such as speaking with research librarians, understanding research guides, and more.
Student Counselling, Health, & Well-being
Seek support as you transition into university and find useful tools to help you balance your mental well-being with your academic goals.
Your college is your home base while at York, a place where you can participate in student government, attend social activities, get academic help, work, and volunteer. Also, the colleges on campus all have areas designated as student space.