If you use non-medically, you can make informed choices for safer use.
Delay using cannabis as late as possible in life, ideally not before adulthood.
Avoid using if you’re pregnant, or if you or family members have a history of psychosis or substance use problems.
Choose low-potency products – those with low THC and/or high CBD content.
Stay away from synthetic cannabis products, such as K2 or Spice.
Use cannabis in ways that don’t involve smoking – choose less risky ways of using like vaping or ingesting.
If you do smoke, avoid deep inhalation or breath-holding.
Occasional use, such as one day per week or less, is better than regular use.
Don’t operate a vehicle or machinery while impaired by cannabis. Wait at least 6 hours after using. Remember that combining alcohol and cannabis makes you more impaired.
Your actions add up. The more risks you take, the more likely you are to harm your health.
Not using cannabis at all is still the best way to protect your health (unless you use with a medical recommendation).
When using cannabis, be considerate of the health and safety concerns of those around you. Don’t hesitate to seek support from a health professional if you need help controlling your cannabis use, if you have withdrawal symptoms or if your use is affecting your life.
All rights reserved. ©2018 CAMH.10 ways to reduce the risks of using cannabis. Retrieved from https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/drugs-health-products/cannabis-10-ways-reduce-risks.html