YU Career Centre Resources

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Do you have questions about jobs and your future career? The Career Centre is here to help! We are a team of professionals who work with students, alumni, staff, faculty, and employers to support students and new graduates (up to two years after graduation) in the development of career self-management skills.
Two students standing and talking

Services and Events

Are you looking for a job or exploring career options? We have several networking events and webinars to help you explore careers and job search. Find additional resources on our website, speak with a peer at the Career Lounge, or book an appointment with a career professional to further help you plan your career.

Career Lounge

The Career Lounge lets you work independently or in groups with support from Career Lounge

Career Development Webinars

Our Group sessions and workshops  provide in-depth experiential support on various topics related to career exploration and job search.

1:1 Appointments

1:1 appointments are available with a Career Counsellor or Career Educator to supplement online, group, and peer support.

Networking Opportunities

Connect with Employers and Alumni through:

Job Postings

Search and apply to full-time, part-time, internship, summer, Volunteer jobs.

Visit Experience York to learn more about on-campus jobs and explore external job posting sites.

Gain Experience

Find ways  to identify and articulate the skills you have developed through experiential education or on-campus experiences. These experiences help enhance your resume and prepare you for future career opportunities.

This maintains the original intent and includes links for easy navigation while improving readability through structured headings.

York University Career Centre

Location: 202 McLaughlin College

Phone: 416.736.5351

Fax: 416.736.5684


York University Career Centre. “Career Centre | We Help Connect York University Students and New Graduates with Career Opportunities!”  https://careers.yorku.ca/.