Welcome to York University! Bienvenue à l’Université York!
General Inquiries
Tel: +1 416-736-5177
Fax: +1 416-736-5176
Location: 200 York Lanes
In-person drop-in support is available via QLESS during specified hours for students seeking answers regarding study permits, work permits, visas, SIN etc.
How to Join Qless
Join the Virtual Kiosk OR download the app on your smartphone from Google Play or the iTunes App Store.
Open the app and select “York International” or click here to join from your browser
Join the appropriate queue:
- If you are a degree seeking student, join the Undergraduate & Graduate Students queue.
- If you are completing post-graduate studies at the School of Continue Studies, please join that queue.
- Select the topic you are seeking more information about.
After signing up to join the queue you will receive updates regarding the wait time for your appointment at various intervals. You will also receive notifications to prepare for your appointment when your turn to
Meet with an International Student Advisor at 200 York Lanes is approaching.
Appointments are offered on a drop-in basis and wait times will be determined by the number of students in queue. The queue will close for the day once it reaches capacity. You may try logging back into QLESS after a few minutes to check if the queue has decreased and appointment slots have become available.
Qless Hours of Operation
Monday & Wednesday [Appointments]: 1 – 3:30 p.m. EST
**Please note that QLESS hours are sometimes subject to change. Please always check the York International Events Calendar for the most up-to-date availability.
International Student and Scholar Services
General Advising and Immigration: iadvisor@yorku.ca
Health Insurance: uhip@yorku.ca
Peer Program: peerlead@yorku.ca
When emailing us, please include in your email:
- Your student number in the subject line
- Your full name
- Your citizenship(s)
- If you are in or outside Canada
- All permit and visa expiration dates (if applicable)
- Any relevant documents
International Visitors and Partners