If you have experienced sexual assault or other forms of sexual violence – it is NOT your fault.
The Centre for Sexual Violence Response, Support & Education (known as the Centre) is here to offer support and resources if you or someone you know has experienced or been impacted by any form of sexual or gender-based violence – regardless of where or when it took place. You are in control of the support you receive, and we are here to help you in whatever path you wish to take for your healing journey. We hope to guide you and keep you informed so you can make the best decision for yourself.
File a complaint
If you, or someone you know, has been affected by sexual violence, there are many options available. As you go through the next steps in your journey, our team will be there to support you every step of the way.
For you
If you have experienced sexual violence, you can navigate the steps to file a complaint through the Centre.
It is recommended that you meet with a support and service coordinator who can help you successfully complete the form and offer guidance with any questions you may have.
Sexual Violence Reporting Form
For someone you know
While the Centre does not accept third party complaints, there are other ways to help someone you care about. Supporting someone who has experienced sexual violence requires a trauma-informed approach to ensure they have autonomy over their experience. Listening and creating a space where they feel safe to share is the foundation for their healing journey. Respect their decisions, choices and ensure they have control.
Meet them where they’re at. Active listening without judgment is key – let them open up at their own pace and prioritize their consent both in conversations and physical interactions. Be prepared to offer information about the support resources that are available, while also allowing them to decide when and how to use them.
Patience is vital, and healing takes time. It is important to maintain their privacy and never share their story without explicit permission.
Your role as a supporter is to provide a compassionate, empathetic and non-judgmental space that honours the survivor’s unique journey towards healing. York community members are encouraged to inform the survivor about the Centre and make sure that they know about the supports and resources available to them.
Contact us
The Centre is the recommended first point of contact for survivors who have experienced sexual violence and is dedicated to supporting all members of the York Community. Our office can help you understand complaint processes, receive academic and workplace accommodations and learn about available resources.
If someone discloses an instance of sexual violence, direct or offer to accompany them to our office:
The Centre for Sexual Violence Response, Support & Education
301 York Lanes
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, ON
M3J 1P3
Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.