The third episode of Uncontainable Collections: Speculative Futures of Objects is introduced by Clara Halpern and features curator Megan Tamati-Quennell and artist Subash Thebe Limbu in conversation with co-hosts Zulfikar Hirji and Lillian O’Brien Davis.
This episode explores interconnected futures through the lens of curatorial and artistic practices oriented towards Indigenous perspectives. Tamati-Quennell discusses her work on acquisitions of historic artworks by Māori women artists for public art collections as a facet of her future-oriented museum practice. She shares the Māori whakataukī [proverb] Ka Mua, Ka Muri [walking backwards into the future]. Thebe Limbu speaks on Adivasi Futurism, which he defines as “a space where Adivasi artists, writers, musicians, and filmmakers can imagine and speculate future scenarios [where] they have agency, technology, and sovereignty and where their Indigenous knowledge, culture, ethics, and storytelling remains intact.”
This final episode of the podcast touches on weaving, time travel, intergenerational exchange, and global networks of Indigenous culture and technology.
Art Gallery of York University. (July 19, 2024). Space, Place, and Land. Art Gallery of York University.