Student Success and Wellness Counselling
Welcome to Student Success and Wellness Counselling at Osgoode. Our Counsellors can provide you with free, confidential, short-term counselling services, share resources and assist with referrals and supports. We can support you with your mental health and wellness needs as you work towards achieving your academic goals.
Our Service follows a brief, solution-focused counselling model in which students are generally offered 6-8 sessions, however service is customized to each student’s needs. If you require ongoing or a more intensive level of support or services that we are not able to provide, we will work with you to find suitable options which could include appropriate internal or external referral.
Individual counselling appointments can be booked online through the links on the right and are available within between 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. Sessions are usually booked as 50-minute appointments.
Is Counselling Right for You?
Here are some common issues that students present with in Counselling:
Challenges Navigating Law School
- Managing Stress
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Relationship & Interpersonal Issues
- Balancing Academic and Personal Life
What to Expect
Before your first appointment, you will be asked to:
- Provide your contact information
- Review and sign electronic consent forms (to be reviewed with the counsellor at the first session)
The first session will be used to determine your counselling/wellness needs and goals so that you and your counsellor can begin to work out a plan for support.
At certain times during the academic year, our Counsellors may be hosting field education placements and therefore will be supervising graduate student Clinical Interns who are training to be counsellors and therefore may be participating in your Counselling sessions. You will be asked for your consent to have an Intern in attendance at your sessions.
Booking an Appointment
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If you don’t yet have an OWL account.
Use the CREATE ACCOUNT button to get started with your Osgoode email.