Budget Planner

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Financial Consumer Agency of Canada

The Budget Planner helps you create a customized budget in 3 simple steps. Gather information regarding your income and expenses and get started! If you don’t have all your information, you can always save and continue later.

  1. Budgeting made easy

  2. Enter your budget data

  3. Save your budget online

  4. Review summary and suggestions

Key Features

  1. Save your budget and continue later via a unique link

  2. Personalize your budget to meet your needs

  3. Make budgeting easier with tips, guidelines and alerts

  4. See charts and comparison to your average Canadian

  5. Get next steps with suggestions and useful links

  6. Earn badges and share your success story

  7. Download a spreadsheet

Visit the link below to get started:



Financial Consumer Agency of Canada. (n.d.). Budget planner. Government of Canada. Retrieved, from https://itools-ioutils.fcac-acfc.gc.ca/BP-PB/budget-planner