- Be positive – Think of obstacles as a chance to learn.
- Make the choice to not overreact – Deal with each stressor one at a time.
- Take an objective view – Look at your stressor in the right context.
- Communicate – Don’t ruminate or bottle up your emotions.
- Accept yourself (and others) – No one is perfect.
- Make connections with people – You’re not alone!
- Deal effectively with mistakes – Own it, apologize and propose a solution.
- Deal effectively with successes – This will build on your competence.
- Develop self-management – Train yourself to fully prepare for your task or activity.
- Maintenance – Practice, practice, practice for a long life of resilient living.
Well-being Canada. (2024). Workplace toolkit worksheet: Tame your stress.Retrieved from https://wellbeing-canada.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Well-being-Canada_Workplace-Toolkit-Worksheet_Tame-Your-Stress.pdf