10 Tips for Tackling "Crisis" Situations

Reading time 2min
The following 10 tips that might inspire you to think about the way you cope. Experiment here, try one tip, then another. Find what works for you
Letter board that says "you are not alone"
  1. Be positive – Think of obstacles as a chance to learn.
  2. Make the choice to not overreact – Deal with each stressor one at a time.
  3. Take an objective view – Look at your stressor in the right context.
  4. Communicate – Don’t ruminate or bottle up your emotions.
  5. Accept yourself (and others) – No one is perfect.
  6. Make connections with people – You’re not alone!
  7. Deal effectively with mistakes – Own it, apologize and propose a solution.
  8. Deal effectively with successes – This will build on your competence.
  9. Develop self-management – Train yourself to fully prepare for your task or activity.
  10. Maintenance – Practice, practice, practice for a long life of resilient living.


Well-being Canada. (2024). Workplace toolkit worksheet: Tame your stress.Retrieved from https://wellbeing-canada.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Well-being-Canada_Workplace-Toolkit-Worksheet_Tame-Your-Stress.pdf