What are boundaries at work
Boundaries at work are practices that an individual follows to separate their professional life from their personal life. The primary goal for setting boundaries is usually to achieve a good work-life balance. This is a state wherein a person can meet the demands of their career without sacrificing their home life.
How to set boundaries in the workplace
It’s important to choose methods to set boundaries that align with the goals you want to achieve. Here are several effective suggestions:
1. Determine your priorities
It’s important to determine your priorities because these often dictate the boundaries you set and the compromises you can make. It may be helpful to consider both your professional and personal goals. For instance, if you’re in sales, your objective may be to meet your daily sales quota. This is your priority at work and it’s crucial that the boundaries you create help you meet this goal.
2. Practice time blocking
This is a scheduling method that involves dividing your day into time segments or blocks. Each segment represents the time you allot for a specific task, and the goal is to complete it within that period. This strategy can help you set boundaries because it prevents you from overextending yourself to perform your responsibilities. In time blocking, it’s important that you set a realistic timeframe for each task and make time for work breaks to avoid overworking yourself or setting expectations that may be difficult to meet.
3. Follow a schedule
When setting work boundaries, it’s important to create and follow a schedule. This can help you become more productive, which may lessen the time you spend working and provide you with more time and energy for non-work activities. If time blocking isn’t compatible with your work style, you may consider other strategies, such as:
- Organizing your tasks: You can create a to-do list for the day and organize the items according to their importance and urgency. It’s ideal to prioritize the tasks that are necessary and urgent before accomplishing important but non-urgent assignments.
- Breaking down assignments into smaller tasks: This often works if you’re managing a project that requires several steps to complete. Writing down the steps and crossing off each one after you do it can motivate you to finish the project more quickly.
- Using a timer to accomplish your goals: This popular time management technique involves determining the amount of time you believe is necessary to complete a task and setting a timer before you start working on it. Doing this can encourage you to focus on your goal and may help you increase your productivity and efficiency at work.
4. List non-negotiables
Setting boundaries can be complex because there are numerous factors to consider, including your career and personal goals. Creating a list of non-negotiables can help you identify what your priorities are and the areas where you’re willing to make compromises. Knowing these can make it easier for you to set boundaries that still allow you to reach your objectives while protecting your priorities. Non-negotiable items are often simple and specific, such as fetching your child from school every day or limiting work communications to one platform.
5. Set realistic expectations
The primary goal of many people for setting boundaries is to achieve a good work-life balance. While this involves ensuring that you can devote a sufficient amount of time to activities outside work, it also requires being realistic with the kind of boundaries you can create at work. It’s important that you consider your responsibilities and make sure that the limits you set don’t prevent you from doing your job effectively. It’s also crucial to be open to the idea that the limits you wish to have may not always be workable.
6. Learn to say no
One of the simplest ways to create and maintain boundaries in the workplace is to decline requests that may negatively affect your work-life balance. While many people find this difficult to do, it’s often an important step in effectively setting work boundaries. This can help you maximize your time at work and focus on your tasks instead of engaging in activities that provide you limited value.
7. Understand your role
Before creating boundaries, it may be helpful to review your job description. Knowing your responsibilities can help you determine your work priorities and develop boundaries that enable you to achieve your professional goals. This may also enable you to recognize if you’re performing work that’s outside your role and for which management may not be giving you credit. You may address this by negotiating for a promotion, a raise, or a re-evaluation of your responsibilities.
8. Inform colleagues of your boundaries
Effectively maintaining the work boundaries you set involves communicating these with your colleagues, particularly with team members with whom you frequently interact. While this may be challenging, especially if several of the boundaries directly affect your interaction with specific individuals, it’s a necessary step to achieving a good work-life balance. It may be helpful to relay this information in a respectful and friendly manner. You may also encourage your colleagues to inform you of their own boundaries.
9. Stop working and rest
It’s important to give yourself time to relax to maintain your health and well-being. Part of setting boundaries in the workplace is making sure that you’re able to use your break time to disengage from your work and tend to your needs. It means spending your paid vacation days engaging in leisurely activities and pursuing your hobbies and interests. And if you’re feeling unwell, it’s advisable to use your sick days instead of going to work and risking your health.
10. Establish boundaries at home
Maintaining a good work-life balance involves setting boundaries in the workplace, but it also requires creating rules at home that encourage you to disengage from your job when your workday ends. This may mean leaving your work tools in the office, not checking your work email on weekends, and engaging in activities that are fun and relaxing. Establishing boundaries may be more difficult if you’re working from home. A good idea is to create or dedicate a space where you do your work. When your shift ends, you can log out and turn off your computer, and walk away from your home office. This can encourage you to shift your focus from work to your personal life.
10 tips for establishing and maintaining boundaries at work | Indeed.com canada. (2024, June 28). https://ca.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/boundaries-at-work